
Now by the time this comes out Thanksgiving is over but I still wanted to write about this horror film because to me this movie was made by collage students and even though it was low budgeted it's kinda ridiculous. The is about a killer turkey that kills people and I'm not gonna lie it's very unique since it's the first ever film but it's kinda bad. With the bad acting, the killer looking weird, everyone trying to make jokes, and the killer saying some bad lines. But it is still good to mention it because at least someone decided to make this movie and I'll give them credit for trying. I feel like people should watch it even because this was old though it's not that great back when they were making these kinds of films they didn't have the technology we have now. Honestly I hope one day people can make more horror films for holidays just like they did with Christmas, New Years Eve, and even Valentines Day...even though they made one movie about that but I'll get to those when the holidays come. But that's basically it with this movie and if you want to watch another movie about Thanksgiving then check out Blood Rage in all it's glory.

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