Anime Horror V.S Regular Horror

The reason I wanted to talk about this is because I've watched anime horror before and I've wondered if this is scarier or if regular horror film is. If you don't know what anime is it's basically a television program in Japan and honestly most of them don't make sense but I love it. So since Valentines Day is here I thought i would compare one Valentines Day horror film to an anime horror film with romance. And I'm gonna let you decide which one is scary. My Bloody Valentine is the horror film I'm gonna talk about and My Future Diary for the anime. My Bloody Valentine focuses on the residents in a small mining town that is plagued by a serial killer on Valentines Day. The story line is good and the footage is really great for 1981. Even though sometimes the footage is grainy. The kills are bloody and very creative. If you don't like gory films then don't watch this movie. The killers name is Harry Warden and when the story goes on apparently Warden stalks the mine on Valentines Day so if people have fun he would kill them. Now it's time for me to talk about My Future Diary!

Image result for my bloody valentine movie

My Future Diary is about this boy named Yukiteru Amano and he has a diary which then turns into a future telling diary that tells him what would happen next. Then he meets his stalker/protector/lover Yuno Gasai . She tells him that they are in this battle royal with a bunch of other people who wants to rule the world. The only way to win is to kill each other in anyway possible. And only one person has to win. So Yuno and Yuki be a team and take down the other competition. There is a lot of gory kills and Yuno is so creepy of a stalker. Even when she kills people she's so creepy like the eyes are just terrifying.  I think the story line is good and the animation is great. But I wouldn't watch it if no one likes anime or see gory stuff. There is so much emotional parts in each episode. I think that this anime is really good and you guys should totally watch it!

Image result for my future diary characters

So now that you know the story line of theses two which one was better. Would you guys ever watch these alone cause I would! XD  Ok guys see you soon!!



Anonymous said…
Personally, I think that the regular horror is better because I don't think animation is as scary because the thing that makes horror actually scary is the realism in it. That being said I am not a fan of horror but, I feel that a good horror movie has to have SOMETHING realistic about it.
marissa said…
I'm not a big Anime fan but I think the storyline and the plot for the anime horror film seem more interesting than the American one. In addition, I really liked how you compared two movies and then asked us what we though because it kept me very interested.
Anonymous said…
This is really cool post. My Bloody Valentine is such a good movie. I think regular horror is more my vibe, but animation is very impressive, since that must've taken a lot of work to get to the finished piece. This is a pretty interesting post ! Thanks for sharing.
Unknown said…
I personally don't like horror or anime, but the way you were summarizing the movies made them sound interesting. Great job!
Unknown said…
I am too much of a fan of horror but I like that use a topic that you liked and compared both of them. It's interesting to see what type of stuff that you are into
Unknown said…
I am not a huge fan of animated horror, but the way you describe My Future Diary is super interesting and more thrilling in my opinion! Perhaps I will take a look at this and my opinion on anime will change forever haha! Great job with this Vivianna! -Cynelim

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