Halloween Thoughts

Image result for halloween the movie 2018

Halloween (the movie) is coming up guys so I thought I would talk about it and say whether or not this would be a good movie. Ever since the movie came out in 1978 and people watched it everyone wanted to see more of Michael Myers in action. The reason for that is that everyone got scared of him and I could understand why for back then. When the producers say that people want more they made a second movie and it was good.....until they made the third Halloween movie. They completely changed the whole thing into kind of like a Sci-fi kind of movie so you don't have Michael as the killer instead just this random business man that wants to kill kids with masks. After people hated that they brought back our killer in the fourth movie. Now this is where the movie doesn't make any sense and even the rest of the Halloween movies like it seriously doesn't make any sense.

Image result for halloween the movie 2018

Honestly I would recommend just watching the first and the second movie I mean you could watch all of them but be prepared to be confused. I mean H2O was good even though it was the same as the first well kinda and even the remakes as well  So now that I said all of this do I think this will be a good movie..........I would say it will be good but could be bad at the same time and here's why. When you think about it how is it gonna start and what would happen in the movie because well even though Laurie Strode (his sister) is in the movie and she wants to kill him but can he really die. Lets be real can a killer from a horror film die........like really die and ok I know your gonna say that Jason Voorhees died in the Final Chapter and yes he did but he came back as a immortal being like a zombie basically. Now I wanna know what you think about this movie do you guys think it would be good or not and why. I hope you guys like this and hope you're ready for next time!

Images: https://goo.gl/images/MAFHXr , 


Unknown said…
I'm actually not sure if this movie yet because I totally agree with you on the fact how weird and confusing it is that they changed everything. However, I will probably end of going to see it lol but take your advice into consideration.
Unknown said…
I am so excited to see this movie because I've been a scary movie fanatic since I was four years old! I love the Halloween series and even though it may be quite confusing, I think that just leaves space for conspiracies and theories! -Cynthia
Unknown said…
This post was very intriguing to read. Although I do not scary movies at all this post was very informative.
Anonymous said…
I liked how you reviewed all movies and gave your honesty opinion. Good job!

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