Horror Movie Logic

Horror Movie Logic! First off for this blog I'm just gonna be talking about how they make no sense and if I rant on about it or go off topic I'm sorry!

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Ok let me say that if you watch horror films you know what I'm talking about, to the people who make dumb decisions and to well the killers dead and comes back to life like what the heck. For everyone who hates that I agree with you but you can't forget that without the logic the horror film will be terrible and have no sequels with them like Halloween. Even though they make no sense it's make it more enjoyable to watch then watching I don't know the killer dying and that's it everyone lives and the killer dies that's boring if you ask me.

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If you still hate the logic still honestly just stop watching horror films if they get you triggered because it ain't worth it. Plus horror films are exciting to watch if you want to get scared or your friends. You shouldn't really get scared by them because some or most of them aren't real........yeah um just don't watch the ones that claim are real if you really get scared....Anyway! I feel like since Halloween is coming up everyone showed watch some of them because they are good and the logic of them just makes you want to laugh like every horror film people always fall to the floor or the people going to creepy places by themselves and better yet the way people die just doesn't make sense either if you ask me.

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If you ever seen the deaths you know what I mean like.......how. Like for example Friday The 13th the deaths sometimes don't make sense and just every basically other horror film you could come up with and even people tripping. Like do they not know how to run or is that normal for people to do because I don't know and even with people going to place by themselves like they wanna be caught. Plus don't get me started on how they call out "Hello" when they hear a noise. Ok I think I'm done for now, let me know what you think in the comments section and yeah bye for now.

links to the pictures: https://goo.gl/images/JZkxKJ , https://goo.gl/images/UbwuHG , https://goo.gl/images/oMMjM7 


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